Service: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Service: Sat - Sun CLOSED
Sales: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sales: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED
Parts: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Parts: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED
Stock N° 13234A


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Includes: Admin Fee, HST

& Campkin's Advantage package


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Grand River 22MB


Great for Families

Air Conditionner

Heating System

Basic Bathroom

Murphy Bed


This is a great trailer for family camping! With a set of double bunks and a murphy bed you will have a place for everyone in the family

Main specification
3663 lbs
  • Bathroom - Rear
  • Bedroom - Front
  • Corner Bunks
  • Kitchen - Centre
  • Utilities
    36 gal
    23 gal
    36 gal

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    Campkin's Advantage Package

    As of January 1st, 2025, Every Campkin’s RV Trailer Purchase Price Now Includes:

    • Factory Freight (Brand New Only) –  travel trailers/fifth wheels, tent trailers. This is the cost to have the trailer shipped from the factory to Campkin’s RV Centre.
    • Pre-delivery Inspection – This covers the mechanic time for preparation, inspection, and a two-hour training session.
    • $100 Campkin’s Accessory Store Credit – This is normally used for items like a water hose, a sewer hose, Toilet chemical, an electrical adapter, etc. At Campkin’s RV Centre we have a fully stocked parts and accessories store. On your pick-up day we will give you a tour within the store, answering any questions you may have so you can shop and buy what you need.
    • Deep cycle RV battery, propane cylinder(s) properly purged and filled – Every new trailer comes with a new 12Volt Deep Cycle RV Care battery as well as, full propane cylinders that have been purged to eliminate damaging moisture.
    • RV Care Membership – Priceless!! – As an RV Care customer, you can look forward to the same high level of care and attention from all RV Care dealers when you travel. Whether you are a short distance from home, or across Canada, the closest RV Care dealer will treat you like one of their own, giving you the best possible service and attention. In the US you get Priority Service at Route 66 Dealers as well. You also have access to great RV accessory pricing through the RV Travelers choice brand and 10% off your stay at Any KOA RV park.
    • Campkin’s Club Membership – providing you with special Campkin’s Club pricing on parts and accessories

    up to a $3,500 VALUE

    Grand River 22MB


    In Store Credit

    ($200 Value*)

    * This certificate is valid in conjuntion with the purchase of a vehicle from Campkin’s.
    Limit one per customer.
    Certificate must be presented prior to the sale.

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