Service: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Service: Sat - Sun CLOSED
Sales: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sales: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED
Parts: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Parts: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED


Explore Worry Free

Our Alliance Partner, the Route 66 RV Network, offers RV CLUB programs that provide additional peace of mind when you’re on the road, be it in Canada or the United States.* *Please note that if you decide to purchase an RV Club Program, you will make the purchase directly from Route 66 and be charged in US dollars.
The basic RV Club membership provides access to a certified RV technician 24/7 for operational and troubleshooting advice in case of a breakdown or mechanical problems with your RV. You’ll also receive additional savings on shopping and other advantages to enhance your RVing experience.

Cookie Collection & Updated privacy commitment

We have updated our privacy commitment and are now collecting cookies to provide you with ads tailored to your interest across the internet. For more information about cookies and how to disable cookies, visit our privacy commitment. Learn more