Service: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Service: Sat - Sun CLOSED
Sales: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sales: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED
Parts: Mon - Fri 9AM to 5PM
Parts: Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sun CLOSED

Accessbility Policy

Campkin’s Camping Centre is committed to excellence in providing service to all customers, including people with disabilities.

Service animals and support people

Campkin’s welcomes support people and service animals into all our public areas.

Assistive devices

We are committed to providing service to customers with disabilities that use assistive devices. We will ensure that our staff is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while in our facility.

Disruption of service

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of service, Campkin’s will notify customers as soon as possible. Notification will be posted on our website, social media and in public areas of our facility. The notice will include duration and the reason for the disruption.


Customers who would like to provide feedback about the way Campkin’s provides goods and services to people with disabilities can contact our general manager by email, telephone or in writing.


Campkin’s will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.


All Campkin’s employees will be provided with training upon hire that will include:

Cookie Collection & Updated privacy commitment

We have updated our privacy commitment and are now collecting cookies to provide you with ads tailored to your interest across the internet. For more information about cookies and how to disable cookies, visit our privacy commitment. Learn more